
Do not give your Rottweiler rawhide, sterilized bones, smoked bones, or cooked bones. These can cause intestinal impaction which can require surgery and sometimes even death. Safe chew toys include any of the Nylabone brand and Kong brand toys that your dog does not have a tendency to destroy. Real raw beef and buffalo leg bones 8" or longer in length are safe also. Bones should have all exterior fat removed. Cow hooves are also safe for most but not all dogs.IF HOWEVER hooves or real bones bring out aggressiveness or protectiveness in your puppy try making them crate only items. If this behavior persists at all then simply avoid these toys as, in my opinion, they are just not worth that hassle! Pigs ears, cow ears, etc.. should be avoided as they have been linked to serious illness and health issues as well as sometimes bringing out a nasty side in some dogs. Remember to keep all socks, nylons, bottlecaps, golfballs, etc.. off of the floor. MANY dogs have died from eating non digestible items. IMPORTANT! Remember that NOTHING gets chewed up if YOU keep it picked up! It is NEVER the puppy's fault for chewing something up, it is yours!
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