I, Ninoska Castellon, have 3 rottweilers named Ringo, Isis, and Ramses. They are wonderful pets, I wouldn't trade them for any other dog. They are obedient, intelligent, playful, and spoiled dogs.
The way that you treat the dog is crucial for its behavior. For instance, if you want a guard dog, you can either send the dog to a trainer, or train it yourself. One of the ways to train them is by locking them up in a cage, and then letting them out at night. This is a way to make them aggressive. You should give them food on the bowl because that way, if a criminal tries to give the rottweiler poisonous food outside of the plate, the rottweiler will not eat it.
To have friendly rottweilers, you have to be with them all the time. You have to play with them and take good care of them. These dogs are men's best friend, they are not traitors.
Depending on how you raise the rottweiler, it would act in that certain way. Therefore, rottweilers are not naturally aggressive.
The work that your are doing is exlended, keep doing a great job....By the way i love the website.
These dogs are the best guard dogs I have owned. They are obedient and caring to their owners and protect you and your home.I like this website becuase it gives you a good view about how to care for a rotweiler and the advantages it has to own one..Read this website to learn about rotweiler it is very well detailed and easy to understand.
I have a rottweiler is the best dog i have one and hes loving caring also he lives with a baby kitten and there wonderful together i love them both so much
I have a rottweiler is the best dog i have one and hes loving caring also he lives with a baby kitten and there wonderful together i love them both so much
I have a rottweiler is the best dog i have one and hes loving caring also he lives with a baby kitten and there wonderful together i love them both so much
I have a rottweiler is the best dog i have one and hes loving caring also he lives with a baby kitten and there wonderful together i love them both so much
I have a rottweiler is the best dog i have one and hes loving caring also he lives with a baby kitten and there wonderful together i love them both so much
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