United States of America
Trainer: Barb Gadola
Marana, Arizona
Phone: 520 850 0958
Email: Barb Gadola
Website: http://www.distinctivedogtraining.com
Trainer: Lynne Gifford
Palmdale, California
Phone: 661-478-3326
Email: Lynne Gifford
Website: www.blazingtrailsk9academy.com
Trainer: Fran Williams
Tehachapi, California
Email: Fran Williams
Trainer: Laura Dash
Studio City, California
Phone: 818-802-5481
Email: Laura Dash
Website: http://www.dolittlesdogs.com
Trainer: Barbara Davis, CPDT, CDBC
Corona, California
Phone: 866-LUVADOG
Email: Barbara Davis, CPDT, CDBC
Website: www.baddogsinc.com
Trainer: Kathy Tallant
La Habra, California
Phone: 714-313-0956
Email: Kathy Tallant
Website: http://www.katsdogtraining.com
Trainer: Caryl Wolff, CPDT, NADOI, CDBC
Los Angeles, California
Phone: 877-7-DOGGIE
Email: Caryl Wolff, CPDT, NADOI, CDBC
Website: www.DoggieManners.com
Trainer: Diane Pearl
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Email: Diane Pearl
Trainer: Elaine Allison
Los Angeles, California
Phone: 866-K9s-Best
Email: Elaine Allison
Website: http://www.caninesbestbehavior.com/
Trainer: Mimi Katz
San Diego, California
Phone: 858-354-5029
Email: Mimi Katz
Trainer: David Banor
Sacramento, California
Phone: 916-927-7725
Website: http://www.doganswers.com/Rott-SAC.htm
Trainer: John Rodriguez
Georgetown, Connecticut
Phone: 203 232 8018
Email: John Rodriguez
Website: http://www.do-behave.com/
Trainer: Martha Bailey
Glastonbury, Connecticut
Phone: 860.633.6878
Email: Martha Bailey
Website: http://www.candlewicktraining.com
Trainer: Sarah Althen
Manchester, Connecticut
Phone: (860)463-5276
Email: Sarah Althen
Website: http://www.trainingbothendsoftheleash.com/
Trainer: Mark Renick
Watertown, Connecticut
Phone: 860-274-0802
Email: Mark Renick
Website: www.connecticutk9.com
Trainer: Jean Crooke
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Phone: 302-226-0739
Email: Jean Crooke
Website: www.pupforum.com/trainers/forum/index.cfm?trainer_forum_id=8
Trainer: Janice DeMadona
Davenport, Florida
Phone: 863-557-0564
Email: Janice DeMadona
Website: http://www.dogtrainingwithjanice.com/
Trainer: Linda Werlein
Myakka City (near Sarasota), Florida
Phone: 941-322-0705
Email: Linda Werlein
Website: http://www.VonAsgard.com, www.K-9BootCamp.com
Trainer: Marie-Gabrielle Selarque
Honolulu, Hawaii
Phone: 808 395 2224
Email: Marie-Gabrielle Selarque
Website: prodoghawaii.com
Trainer: Heidi Janss
Wheaton, Illinois
Phone: 630-668-0074
Email: Heidi Janss
Trainer: Lysa Bea
Roselle, Illinois
Phone: 630-980-7696
Email: Lysa Bea
Trainer: Laurie Luck, CPDT
Mount Airy, Maryland
Phone: 240-848-3468
Email: Laurie Luck, CPDT
Website: www.smartdoguniversity.com
Trainer: Elaina Wirtz
Gardner, Massachusetts
Phone: 978-423-4219
Email: Elaina Wirtz
Trainer: Barbara Langston, ABCDT
Lexington, Massachusetts
Phone: 617-230-2946
Email: Barbara Langston, ABCDT
Trainer: Elise Gouge
Amherst, Massachusetts
Phone: 413-230-9873
Email: Elise Gouge
Website: http://www.petbehaviorconsulting.com/
Trainer: Karen Gorman
Howell, Michigan
Phone: 810-229-7353
Email: Karen Gorman
Website: www.ezdogpark.com
Trainer: Roni Hoff
Edwardsburg, Michigan
Phone: 574.370.3403
Email: Roni Hoff
Website: http://tristark9.com/
Trainer: Denise Lukacs
Sylvan Lake, Michigan
Phone: 248-232-3655
Email: Denise Lukacs
Website: http://www.thepetteacher.com/
Trainer: Patty Crichton
Petoskey, Michigan
Phone: 231-439-0365
Email: Patty Crichton
Website: http://www.northwoodsdogtraining.com
Trainer: Brad Jones
Sedalia, Missouri
Phone: 660-827-5172
Email: Brad Jones
Website: www.pettiscountyk9.com
Trainer: Darcy Jackson
Kalispell, Montana
Phone: 406-752-4460
Email: Darcy Jackson
Trainer: Agni Sarmaniote
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Phone: 603-424-8828
Email: Agni Sarmaniote
Website: http://www.angelpupstraining.com/
Trainer: Diana Coles
Eatontown, New Jersey
Phone: 732-542-6185
Email: Diana Coles
Website: www.TeachersPetNJ.com
Trainer: Lynne Petermann
Little Falls, New Jersey
Phone: 973-444-5880
Website: http://www.thepookyprofessor.com/
Trainer: Vyolet Michaels, CPDT, CTC
Red Bank, New Jersey
Phone: 732-758-8522
Email: Vyolet Michaels, CPDT, CTC
Website: http://www.urbandawgs.com
Trainer: Renee Premaza
Marlton, New Jersey
Phone: (609) 280-9338
Email: Renee Premaza
Website: jerseydogtrainer.com
Trainer: Dale Ketcham
Huntington, New York
Phone: 631-549-8263
Email: Dale Ketcham
Trainer: Charlie Petrizzo
Weddington, North Carolina
Phone: 704-841-4213
Email: Charlie Petrizzo
Website: www.circleoflifedogtraining.com
Trainer: Jennifer Shryock
Cary, North Carolina
Phone: 919.961.1608
Email: Jennifer Shryock
Website: http://www.familypaws.com/
Trainer: Bill Jenkins
Cache, Oklahoma
Phone: 580-512-6629
Email: Bill Jenkins
Website: http://www.texomak-9.com
Trainer: Lindsay Tucker
Hazleton, Pennsylvania
Phone: 570-454-7054
Email: Lindsay Tucker
Website: http://www.courteouscaninesinc.com/
Trainer: Sue Conklin
Pelzer, South Carolina
Phone: 864-243-9450
Email: Sue Conklin
Trainer: Chip Ditto
Dyersburg, Tennessee
Phone: 731-627-0537
Website: http://www.vonderfaultline.net/
Trainer: David Wilson
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Phone: 615-349-5433
Email: David Wilson
Website: www.wilsonk9service.com
Trainer: Wayne Shaffer, ABCDT
Copperas Cove, Texas
Phone: (254) 577-4988
Email: Wayne Shaffer, ABCDT
Website: http://pawsitivemethods.com/
Trainer: Paula Weir
Carrolltn, Texas
Email: Paula Weir
Website: http://www.woofgangddc.com/
Trainer: Kathrine Breeden
The Colony, Texas
Phone: 972-345-7955
Email: Kathrine Breeden
Website: http://www.bekindtodogs.com/
Trainer: Kim Grieff
Tomball, Texas
Phone: 713-738-8886
Email: Kim Grieff
Website: http://www.thepettutor.com/
Trainer: Korey Hawke
Sandy, Utah
Phone: 801-523-3731
Email: Korey Hawke
Website: http://www.mountairekennels.com/
Trainer: Teresa Patton
Fairfax Station, Virginia
Phone: 703-978-0007
Email: Teresa Patton
Website: www.felicityenglishspringers.com
Trainer: Barb Gadola
Marana, Arizona
Phone: 520 850 0958
Email: Barb Gadola
Website: http://www.distinctivedogtraining.com
Trainer: Lynne Gifford
Palmdale, California
Phone: 661-478-3326
Email: Lynne Gifford
Website: www.blazingtrailsk9academy.com
Trainer: Fran Williams
Tehachapi, California
Email: Fran Williams
Trainer: Laura Dash
Studio City, California
Phone: 818-802-5481
Email: Laura Dash
Website: http://www.dolittlesdogs.com
Trainer: Barbara Davis, CPDT, CDBC
Corona, California
Phone: 866-LUVADOG
Email: Barbara Davis, CPDT, CDBC
Website: www.baddogsinc.com
Trainer: Kathy Tallant
La Habra, California
Phone: 714-313-0956
Email: Kathy Tallant
Website: http://www.katsdogtraining.com
Trainer: Caryl Wolff, CPDT, NADOI, CDBC
Los Angeles, California
Phone: 877-7-DOGGIE
Email: Caryl Wolff, CPDT, NADOI, CDBC
Website: www.DoggieManners.com
Trainer: Diane Pearl
Rancho Cucamonga, California
Email: Diane Pearl
Trainer: Elaine Allison
Los Angeles, California
Phone: 866-K9s-Best
Email: Elaine Allison
Website: http://www.caninesbestbehavior.com/
Trainer: Mimi Katz
San Diego, California
Phone: 858-354-5029
Email: Mimi Katz
Trainer: David Banor
Sacramento, California
Phone: 916-927-7725
Website: http://www.doganswers.com/Rott-SAC.htm
Trainer: John Rodriguez
Georgetown, Connecticut
Phone: 203 232 8018
Email: John Rodriguez
Website: http://www.do-behave.com/
Trainer: Martha Bailey
Glastonbury, Connecticut
Phone: 860.633.6878
Email: Martha Bailey
Website: http://www.candlewicktraining.com
Trainer: Sarah Althen
Manchester, Connecticut
Phone: (860)463-5276
Email: Sarah Althen
Website: http://www.trainingbothendsoftheleash.com/
Trainer: Mark Renick
Watertown, Connecticut
Phone: 860-274-0802
Email: Mark Renick
Website: www.connecticutk9.com
Trainer: Jean Crooke
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware
Phone: 302-226-0739
Email: Jean Crooke
Website: www.pupforum.com/trainers/forum/index.cfm?trainer_forum_id=8
Trainer: Janice DeMadona
Davenport, Florida
Phone: 863-557-0564
Email: Janice DeMadona
Website: http://www.dogtrainingwithjanice.com/
Trainer: Linda Werlein
Myakka City (near Sarasota), Florida
Phone: 941-322-0705
Email: Linda Werlein
Website: http://www.VonAsgard.com, www.K-9BootCamp.com
Trainer: Marie-Gabrielle Selarque
Honolulu, Hawaii
Phone: 808 395 2224
Email: Marie-Gabrielle Selarque
Website: prodoghawaii.com
Trainer: Heidi Janss
Wheaton, Illinois
Phone: 630-668-0074
Email: Heidi Janss
Trainer: Lysa Bea
Roselle, Illinois
Phone: 630-980-7696
Email: Lysa Bea
Trainer: Laurie Luck, CPDT
Mount Airy, Maryland
Phone: 240-848-3468
Email: Laurie Luck, CPDT
Website: www.smartdoguniversity.com
Trainer: Elaina Wirtz
Gardner, Massachusetts
Phone: 978-423-4219
Email: Elaina Wirtz
Trainer: Barbara Langston, ABCDT
Lexington, Massachusetts
Phone: 617-230-2946
Email: Barbara Langston, ABCDT
Trainer: Elise Gouge
Amherst, Massachusetts
Phone: 413-230-9873
Email: Elise Gouge
Website: http://www.petbehaviorconsulting.com/
Trainer: Karen Gorman
Howell, Michigan
Phone: 810-229-7353
Email: Karen Gorman
Website: www.ezdogpark.com
Trainer: Roni Hoff
Edwardsburg, Michigan
Phone: 574.370.3403
Email: Roni Hoff
Website: http://tristark9.com/
Trainer: Denise Lukacs
Sylvan Lake, Michigan
Phone: 248-232-3655
Email: Denise Lukacs
Website: http://www.thepetteacher.com/
Trainer: Patty Crichton
Petoskey, Michigan
Phone: 231-439-0365
Email: Patty Crichton
Website: http://www.northwoodsdogtraining.com
Trainer: Brad Jones
Sedalia, Missouri
Phone: 660-827-5172
Email: Brad Jones
Website: www.pettiscountyk9.com
Trainer: Darcy Jackson
Kalispell, Montana
Phone: 406-752-4460
Email: Darcy Jackson
Trainer: Agni Sarmaniote
Merrimack, New Hampshire
Phone: 603-424-8828
Email: Agni Sarmaniote
Website: http://www.angelpupstraining.com/
Trainer: Diana Coles
Eatontown, New Jersey
Phone: 732-542-6185
Email: Diana Coles
Website: www.TeachersPetNJ.com
Trainer: Lynne Petermann
Little Falls, New Jersey
Phone: 973-444-5880
Website: http://www.thepookyprofessor.com/
Trainer: Vyolet Michaels, CPDT, CTC
Red Bank, New Jersey
Phone: 732-758-8522
Email: Vyolet Michaels, CPDT, CTC
Website: http://www.urbandawgs.com
Trainer: Renee Premaza
Marlton, New Jersey
Phone: (609) 280-9338
Email: Renee Premaza
Website: jerseydogtrainer.com
Trainer: Dale Ketcham
Huntington, New York
Phone: 631-549-8263
Email: Dale Ketcham
Trainer: Charlie Petrizzo
Weddington, North Carolina
Phone: 704-841-4213
Email: Charlie Petrizzo
Website: www.circleoflifedogtraining.com
Trainer: Jennifer Shryock
Cary, North Carolina
Phone: 919.961.1608
Email: Jennifer Shryock
Website: http://www.familypaws.com/
Trainer: Bill Jenkins
Cache, Oklahoma
Phone: 580-512-6629
Email: Bill Jenkins
Website: http://www.texomak-9.com
Trainer: Lindsay Tucker
Hazleton, Pennsylvania
Phone: 570-454-7054
Email: Lindsay Tucker
Website: http://www.courteouscaninesinc.com/
Trainer: Sue Conklin
Pelzer, South Carolina
Phone: 864-243-9450
Email: Sue Conklin
Trainer: Chip Ditto
Dyersburg, Tennessee
Phone: 731-627-0537
Website: http://www.vonderfaultline.net/
Trainer: David Wilson
Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Phone: 615-349-5433
Email: David Wilson
Website: www.wilsonk9service.com
Trainer: Wayne Shaffer, ABCDT
Copperas Cove, Texas
Phone: (254) 577-4988
Email: Wayne Shaffer, ABCDT
Website: http://pawsitivemethods.com/
Trainer: Paula Weir
Carrolltn, Texas
Email: Paula Weir
Website: http://www.woofgangddc.com/
Trainer: Kathrine Breeden
The Colony, Texas
Phone: 972-345-7955
Email: Kathrine Breeden
Website: http://www.bekindtodogs.com/
Trainer: Kim Grieff
Tomball, Texas
Phone: 713-738-8886
Email: Kim Grieff
Website: http://www.thepettutor.com/
Trainer: Korey Hawke
Sandy, Utah
Phone: 801-523-3731
Email: Korey Hawke
Website: http://www.mountairekennels.com/
Trainer: Teresa Patton
Fairfax Station, Virginia
Phone: 703-978-0007
Email: Teresa Patton
Website: www.felicityenglishspringers.com
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